
  • Money,  Real Estate

    How To Make Money By Investing In Real Estate

    Real estate is one of the first investments I’ve ever made. It’s a great way to start investing because it never goes out of style. As long as there’s people in the world, there will be a need for real estate. I remember being so consumed with information when I first started researching and still had no idea where to start. Today I’m going to take you into some of my favorite ways to invest in real estate. House Hacking This is the simplest form of real estate investing that you can likely start today. You’re either looking for a new property that you can rent out a spare room…

  • Money

    Savings or Debt Pay-Down?

    I get asked all of the time “Should I build my savings, or get rid of debt first?” My answer is always the same – “Do both” If you’re swimming in debt and also have no savings, consider yourself at your rock bottom, financially. There’s only one way to go from here! (It’s up!) Start laying out your game plan. Essentially you need to do three things: 1. Find out how much your expenses are. 2. Find out your income 3. Subtract number 1 from number 2 Simple enough, right? Now you have your no-s*** number, as I like to call it – and you can plan. Don’t be discouraged…

  • Money

    How To Start Building Your Emergency Fund

    There’s so much information out there on how much you should save for your emergency fund. 6 months of expenses, 3 months, etc. I like to say don’t stress that & just get started! You never know when you’ll have something unexpected come up like a medical bill, an unexpected house or car issue, or even worse – what millions of people all over the globe are experiencing right now with job loss due to the pandemic. You don’t want to be in a position where you have to swipe a credit card and set yourself back further in your financial journey. In my past experiences all of the big…